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Kakovostna starost letnik 25, številka 1
Kakovostna starost logotip

Good Quality of Old Age 25/1

datum: 4.7.2022

Good Quality of Old Age - the Slovenian scientific and expert journal on ageing and intergenerational coexistence - enters its twenty-fifth year of publication. Long-term care has been the most frequent subject of its research articles, reports on normative documents and good practices from Slovenia and around the world, and our efforts were rewarded by the Slovenian Parliament's adoption of the Long-Term Care Act in December 2021. The second most frequent topic ware varied interdisciplinary issues in the field of healthy, active and quality ageing in close connection with solidarity between generations.

From time to time, the magazine has also delved into the past, which is the focus of the Classics on ageing and coexistence section. In the current issue, this is the dominant theme. It brings a Slovenian translation of Jacob Grimm's speech On Old Age, which some place alongside Cicero's Discourses on Old Age. It is accompanied by a very comprehensive article on the brothers Grimm and their contribution to gerontology and, in particular, to intergenerational coexistence. The brothers Grimm are the world's most famous collectors and researchers of fairy tales. The Grimm fairy tales are an inexhaustible source of information on ageing, old age, and interpersonal coexistence. The same goes with their collections of old poems and legal customs. The brothers Grimm researched the grammatical rules of language development and are pioneers of the great German dictionary; they are among the most important co-creators of the modern German language. Language is the most powerful tool for the transmission of cultural traditions from one generation to the next, and for coexistence and cooperation among people.

The life and work of the brothers Grimm can be an inspiring initiative for the current large, ageing baby boom generation: in order to be able to pass on their life lessons and experiences to the next generation, they need to develop in a balanced way their healthy rootedness in cultural tradition, the freedom to develop and to work well together.

Another theme that resonates in this issue is the articles on gerontological and intergenerational experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic.

© 2010 - Inštitut Antona Trstenjaka za gerontologijo in medgeneracijsko sožitje