STAR – ageing without limits
Duration: October 2016 – September 2018
Co-financed by: European regional development fund
Web page:
The project STAR deals with the shared challenges to the aging of cross-border population; unequal accessibility of quality social services; the low level of efficiency and unused potential for cross-border cooperation of social care institutions.
The project will set up an innovative integrate system of deinstitutionalization of long-term care at different levels, according to modern guidelines. The project will be user-directed and will focus on their needs and desires. The system to be set up with this project includes all interest groups in this area, such as social caretakers involved in long-term care, local administration and finally elderly people, which will have the opportunity to stay in a domestic surrounding for as long as possible, as well as to get involved in social events and thus also to improve their life quality.
The 24-month long project will enable a creation of Cross-border program of development of deinstitutionalization of long-term care, it will also include a professional training of formal and informal social caretakers and will set up two preliminary innovative long-term care types. More precisely, those refer to daily center in the area of Hrpelje – Kozina Municipality as well as domestic community in the nursing home in Kantrida situated in the city of Rijeka, Croatia.
The project STAR has the following specific objectives:
- The project anticipates the participation of vertically and horizontally related entities (local government and homes for the elderly) which will be connected into the network for specific co-creation of new programs and models for long-term social care and their realization with pilot activities, exchanges of good practices and joint cross-border activities. The network will be established sustainably, for the purpose of developing long-term cross-border cooperation in the field of social affairs.
- The project anticipates realization of joint Cross-border program development of long term care de-institutionalization in the program area, which will describe the common plans and possible forms of de-institutionalisation in the cross-border area and the pilot establishment of two forms, namely day center in the non-urban area of the Municipality of Hrpelje-Kozina and household group in Rijeka, where innovative programs of social care will be implemented.
- The project anticipates training for long-term care development through professional workers’ training for development of high-quality long-term care types and for work in new types of non-institutional long-term care facilities (daily centers and domestic communities); informal caretakers, volunteers as well as local organizers of social care network in domestic surrounding, who complement the expected system of de-institutionalization of long-term care and provide durability of the project.
SEAM – Social Education of Adults through Mobility
Duration: 2015 – 2016
Co-financed by: Erasmus +
Web page:
SEAM was a two-year strategic partnership at international level funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, that aimed to join together organisations from Italy, Bulgaria, Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Spain in order to work together and exchange good practices related to social inclusion of adults and the acquisition of new cultural and/or language skills through formal and non-formal education methodologies. During the project implementation, partner organisations from the mentioned countries run together different activities such as:
- Coordination meetings in the project partner countries in order to get to know the best practices and local projects related with adults intercultural and/or social education;
- Design, creation, test and publication of different manuals for organisations managing local projects for adults and toolkits for sending and hosting adults from other countries through cooperation or volunteering projects;
- International learning activities such as trainings for adult educators;
- Transnational activities for adult learners to promote their mobility as a learning tool;
- Local activities for learners and trainers working on the adult field focused on testing new learning materials and developing innovative ones;
- Visibility events on each partner country to disseminate the project results
MEDGEN BORZA project - strengthening intergenerational assistance at local community level
Duration: March 2014 – June 2015
Co-financed by: IPA 2007 – 2013
Anton Trstenjak Institute participated from March 2014 to June 2015 in the MEDGEN BORZA project - strengthening intergenerational assistance at local community level. It was the operational program IPA 2007-2013, based on social integration and connected 5 partners. The background of the project was based on the fact that there were increasing differences between the generations, which was reflected in the social exclusion of both the elderly and the young. Additionally with ageing of population, local communities face the growing need for care of the elderly. The common problem of all 4 municipalities was also the lack of awareness among the population about intergenerational solidarity and the negative effects of social exclusion.
The goal of the project was to achieve the active inclusion of all age groups in social life, raise the level of intergenerational solidarity, promote volunteering and self-organizational capacities and effectively exploit human resources and other sources. The goal was also to reduce the negative effects of demographic changes and to promote the active participation of all stakeholders at local and regional level in organizing a diverse and quality program of intergenerational cooperation.
NITICS project - Networked InfrasTructure for Innovative home Care Solutions
Duration: May 2013 – November 2015
Co-financed by: Active and assisted living programme – ICT for living well
The NITICS project built a flexible platform that relied on a set of basic and task oriented services: localization of personal objects (keys, glasses, mobile); localization and movement pattern analysis of elderly and disabled people inside their homes – which, integrated with body sensors and environmental captors supported end-users as well as caregivers, family members, and others involved in assisting the person; a multimedia bi-directional platform (TV/PC/Smartphone) to ease, stimulate and support daily activities; augmented-reality system to assist users in finding the objects.
NITICS enabled disabled persons to create, participate and continue their social activities not only via an Internet connection but also by using localization technology inside their homes, supporting an active social life. The localization technology is not only used to track and trace the assisted individual, nor just to gather objects’ and predict their position, but also to detect unpredicted or abnormal behaviour, lack of movement or erratic behaviour, and to trigger actions by care providers in case of need . Such a system helps carers to intervene only in case of need, in a timely manner and provide the needed help, taking into account the preferences of care providers as well as family and end-users. The NITICS framework provided major benefits to the end-users but also provided benefits to caretakers and people directly involved in the care value chain.
SoGraP – Social Gradient Potential in Reducing Health Inequalities in the Elderly
Duration: 2011 – 2012
Co-financed by: European Union's Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS (2007-2013)
The SoGraP research was socially oriented self -management programme on reducing health inequalities in elderly chronic patients of different educational level. It was supported by the European Union's Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS (2007-2013).
Its activities were performed in accordance to the thesis, that higher educated patients in conformity to social gradient in health control their illness with higher knowledge and useful health habits more efficiently. Both can be transmitted to participants of lower educational level with the same chronic condition and ameliorate their health habits. The collaborating doctors in two Slovenian urban and rural areas and one Serbian urban environment selected three groups (from 12 to 14) patients with hypertension and different educational level. All participants were health insured, the main criterion for participation was different educational level. Each participant received specially prepared manual with necessary instructions and contents of sessions. For the comprehensive control of risk factors and for motivation of participants the HAL octagon was developed. 10 weekly and two monthly 120minute sessions were organized, moderated by one or two facilitators. Each session was performed in accordance with the prepared schedule and tape -recorded with the consent from participants. The equity of participants was supported by speaking circle as well as by social learning.
Blood pressure was regularly and properly measured. Exercising for falls prevention took place in each session. Blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, BMI, smoking, drinking, diet and physical activity were measured and described together with satisfaction and social attitudes in the beginning and at the end of sessions. Participants exchanged their knowledge and experiences with hypertension and other risk factors as well as different life experiences.
The research showed that in societies with national and compulsory health insurance social gradient in health is not as wide as in societies with no national insurance and predominantly private health care. Socially oriented chronic disease self - management programmes in patients of different educational level with chronic conditions present an effective way for the reduction of health and social differences among them. The research confirmed the outcomes of other similar programmes, that knowledge and understanding of chronic condition can be improved among elderly patients, who are also able to adopt new habits. Therefore such activities should be in interest of health politics as well.
Relais plus - Transfert d'Innovation pour developper la relation d'aide aux publics en situation d'abandon en Europe
Duration: 2010 – 2011
Co-financed by: Leonardo da Vinci: Transfer of inovation programme
Web page:
Relais Plus was international project, funded by the programme Leonardo da Vinci: Transfer of innovation. The purpose of the program was to educate and train professionals to work effectively with abandoned children, adolescents and the elderly. Anton Trstenjak Institute has been involved in the project from 2010 to the end of September 2011. Within the framework of the project, the Institute participated in the expert group for the preparation of training materials for professionals in educational, social and healthcare organizations. The materials were produced in more than 4 languages (French, Greek, Latvian and Slovenian). In addition, a comprehensive inventory of the situation in Slovenia in the field of neglected children, adolescents and elderly people was prepared, which was presented to the interested public and compared it with the other six participating countries. In the project, three types of manuals were prepared for professionals to work more effectively with these groups of people:
- vocational training manuals for providing help to abandoned children, adolescents and the elderly,
- European training programs for providing Assistance to abandoned children, elderly adolescents,
- a code of good management and a guide for the safe implementation of assistance.
The Europe of youth
In the international project »The Europe of youth« participated 5 countries – Italy, Spain, Germany, Latvia and Slovenija. The project lasted 13 months, from 1st of June 2004 until 30th of June 2005. The main purpose of the project was to disscuss the values of the youth generation.
1. Funded by the Ministry of labour, family, social affairs and equal opportunities, Republic of Slovenia
Ageing without violence (Prevention of violence against the elderly)
Duration: ongoing (from 2015)
In the last three years Anton Trstenjak Institute is performing an original local program to prevent violence against the elderly. We developed this program based on research and anthropological findings and previous European programs in which we participated.
The program aims to prevent violence against the elderly – especially at their home environment, where violence is most frequent. Our approach to prevent violence is innovative, interdisciplinary and includes legal, sociological and psychological aspect.
The program's objectives are: to increase awareness of violence against elderly in Slovenian society, the acquisition of skills for increasing the safety of the elderly, strengthening protective factors reducing the risk factors for violence against the elderly and determining the prevalence and forms of violence against older people in selected localities in Slovenia.
The target group are elderly and their families in local communities. Participants learn about quality aging, which precludes any form of violence. They also learn about personal safety, how to be prepared to deal with situations that can lead to violence and how to strengthen protective factors against violence. Some of participants get involved into volunteer work. They participate in raising awareness about violence against elderly. Old people, who are in need for counselling, can discuss their problems with implementers of the program – with psychologist, lawyer and sociologist.
Violence against elderly is difficult to detect in practice. That’s why our program is focused on strengthening protective factors (positive communication, effective regulation of property issues for the elderly, maintaining and developing social networks, etc.).
The program is carried out in different regions in Slovenia. It includes workshops, in which participants learn about variety of topics: good communication, rules for good personal conversation, legal aspects of security of older people and property issues, training of practical skills to enhance the security of the elderly and local police officer talks about concern for the safety outside the home.
Program also includes individual counseling for the elderly and their family members, who are particularly vulnerable to violence and need advice on the prevention of violence. We also offer individual counseling representatives of local services. We work together with them on prevention of violence in local communities.
In some places, after completing the workshops, we continue to work on different themes about the prevention of violence. For this purpose we create a self-help group. Disseminators (leaders) of the groups attend training at Anton Trstenjak Institute. Leaders of the groups with the help of predefined themes and violence prevention Handbook spread themes about the prevention of violence in different environments.
Anton Trstenjak Institute of gerontology and intergenerational relations has a wide range of experience in the fields of research and practical work to prevent violence against the elderly.
Network of intergenerational programmes for quality ageing
Duration: ongoing (from 2010)
It is a network of different programmes and activities for quality ageing and intergenerational relations in Slovenia. The network is divided into 4 sections:
- Raising awareness of the population, leadership counselling and project planning for communities and institutions
- Trainings of individuals and multipliers
- Intergenerational volunteering for long-lasting personal relationship
- Management for sustainability of individual programmes and their network.
Anton Trstenjak's family center
Duration: 2009
The main purpose of the project was to raise awareness on the importance of good generational collaboration and improve skills of all generations to communicate efficiently and understand each other better. Within the project lectures for parents and grandparents were organised, a biblioeducational group was established and 12 hours long course for better understanding of elderly relative and another 12 hours course for better understanding of younger relative were developed.
2. Funded by the City of Ljubljana
Falls reduction among elderly residents of Ljubljana
Duration: ongoing (from 2011)
Falls reduction among elderly is a programme of raising awarness abou falls among elderly residents of Ljubljana. The main features of the programme are groups of elderly. The group meetings are held every week and run by trained multipliers. Multiplers’ trainnings are held by Anton Trstenjak Institute and offer knowledge on how to manage group of elderly people, on ageing, communications, risk and protective factors against falls…
To age soberly!
Duration: ongoing (from 2014)
To age soberly! Is a programme run by Anton Trstenjak Institute. It is very similar to the Falls reduction programme, however, it concerns a different issue in ageing – sobriety. After finished training, multipliers recruit around 10 elderly people, with whom they regularly meet in a group. In these groups they discuss different themes: risk and protective factors, good relations with other people, communication, alcoholism, gambling and other addictions, good habits …
It's nice to live – prevention of underage drinking
Duration: ongoing (from 2007)
It is a programme for primary school pupils, organised in some of primary schools in Ljubljana. Trained volunteers, mostly students, perform preventive workshops for pupils, workshops for parents and school workers are carried out by Institutes' professionals.
Social network of intergenerational programmes of quality ageing and intergenerational relations
Duration: ongoing (from 2009)
It is a network of different programmes and activities for quality ageing and intergenerational relations in Slovenia. The network is divided into 4 sections:
- Raising awareness of the population, leadership counselling and project planning for communities and institutions
- Trainings of individuals and multipliers
- Intergenerational volunteering for long-lasting personal relationship
- Management for sustainability of individual programmes and their network.
3. Funded by several other financiers
European regional development fund and Ministry of education, science and sport, Republic of Slovenia
Duration: August 2016 – July 2019
Web page:
The purpose of the EkoSmart program is to develop a smart city ecosystem with all the support mechanisms necessary for efficient, optimized and gradual integration of individual areas into a unified and coherent system of value chains. The program focuses on three key domains of smart cities: health, active living and mobility; and forms strategic relationships with municipalities and other areas of smart cities, such as energy, smart buildings, involvement of citizens, smart communities …
EkoSmart program consists of six research an development projects contributing in their respective ways to the realization of the program vision:
- Design of a smart city ecosystem;
- Smart mobility;
- Active living and wellbeing;
- E-health and mobile health;
- Integrated health services;
- Solution prototypes.
Anton Trstenjak Institute participates in fifth research and development project: Integrated health services. The purpose of this project is to develop approaches and prototypes providing basic conditions for effective transformation of Slovenian health care system. The development of prototype applications of modern ICT technologies and telemedicine treatment in the management of chronic diseases will provide full integration of the individual levels of health care, efficient and secure exchange of information between the various stakeholders at the national level (national registries, billing system, analyses of large volumes of data), and basic conditions for the development and sustainability of health and social systems.
Health Insurance Institute of Slovenija
- Preventive programme for the third age – prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases, 2009
- Medicines in the third age – researching the situation in the use of medicines among the elderly, 2009-2010
Vzajemna, Health Insurance company
- PPP for 3 – Partnership of primary prevention for the third age, 2010
Ministry of health, republic of Slovenia
- Medicine usage in old age, 2010
- Prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases and strenghtening of mental health, 2009-2010
- To age soberly!, 2013- 2017
Unicredit Bank
Let them get older at home; 2011, 2012
Within the project Let them get older at home 5 trainings for family carers and 5 trainings for volunteers were implemented. They were carried out in 5 different rural areas in Slovenia.