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Good quality of old age, with original title Kakovostna starost, is the only Slovenian scientific and expert gerontological magazine. It’s publisher is national development Institute of Gerontology and Intergenerational Relations - Anton Trstenjak Institute. Journal comes out quarterly since 1998.

It is an interdisciplinary journal. It covers the ageing of people in the wider social and cultural context. It provides up-to-date informations about old age and intergenerational relations for the wide range of Slovenian users, combining the theory with the examples of good practice.

The journal is focusing on comprehensive gerontology with emphasis on 4 aspects.

1. Holistic anthropological image of a human being in his physical, mental, spiritual, social, developmental and existential dimension. All the dimensions are indivisible integral whole.

2. Holistic human development through all life-cycles from his conception to his death. People's youth, middle age and old age have the same human dignity and sanity. Intergenerational solidarity connects middle age generation and elderly into social whole.

3. Complementarity of all scientific disciplines and cultural sectors with the knowledge and technologies to contribute to the quality ageing and to good intergenerational relations. The majority of the scientific contributions in the journal are from psychosocial, health, educational and environmental-spatial fields.

4. Intersectoral collaboration of all social and political sectors, important for quality ageing and solidarily. Journal gives special attention to mutual complementarity of family, local community, civil society and the state.

First part of the journal contains scientific and expert articles. Second part of the journal is dedicated to the overview of the newest findings from foreign and domestic gerontological literature. Part of this section is set aside for the national and international gerontological forthcoming events. Other columns in the journal are: Glossary of gerontology and intergenerational terms, Reports from symposiums, conferences and workshops, Age-friendly Cities and Communities section, thorough Interviews with domestic and foreign experts for gerontology and intergenerational relations, Reflections from the intergenerational programmes (where the examples of good practices are published), Classics on old age and ageing (section in which we analyze national and foreign philosophical works and works of literature from the perspective of ageing and intergenerational relations).

The magazine is published in Slovenian language, yet it has summaries of expert and scientific papers also in English. English abstracts of scientific articles are published in every issue of the journal, in international and national databases (Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, Cobiss, EBSCO, ProQuest) as well on our website http://www.inst-antonatrstenjaka.si/tisk/kakovostna-starost/arhiv.html. In composing our journal we follow the language and scientific work of Anton Trstenjak, one of the greatest slovenian humanist and scientists of the 20th century.

© 2010 - Inštitut Antona Trstenjaka za gerontologijo in medgeneracijsko sožitje