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VOLUME 5, NUMBER 3, 2002

Logotherapy as a Means to Overcome the Crises of Meaning Associated with Dependency and Loss of Autonomy in Relation to Aging.
Martha C. Baker

This paper is concerned specifically with dependency and loss of autonomy in late life. It first explores the nature of dependency and loss of autonomy as it relates to older adults; next it demonstrates the connection between dependency and loss of autonomy to a potential crisis of meaning. Lastly, it explores the usefulness of logotherapy as a way to transcend the crisis of meaning and provide a continuity of self for the person with a past, present and future component. In other words, it attempts to show how logotherapy can restore meaning to an older adult who faces loss of autonomy or dependency due to changes in later life.

Key-words: later life, meaning of life, logotherapy, dependency, old people

Loneliness, Religiousness, and Purpose in Life in the Oldest Old
Margareth Bondevik, Anders Skogstad

Two groups of Norwegian individuals 80 year of age and older, one living in nursing homes and one in the community, were compared with respect to loneliness, religiousness, purpose in life (PIL), and age group. There were no differences in loneliness identified between groups with regard to residence. Community residents between 80-89 years reported significantly higher loneliness scores than did the age group between 90-105 years. A majority of all subjects reported religion to be important, but age group comparisons yielded non-significant results. Residents living in the community reported significantly higher PIL scores than did residents in institutions. In addition, the community group 90-105 years old reported significantly higher PIL scores compared to the age group of 80-89 years. Analysis of variance showed significantly higher (negative) correlations between loneliness and purpose in life than between these phenomena and religiousness.

Key-words: loneliness, religiousness, purpose in life, oldest old, ageing in Norway

Old people and the risk of smoking

Author talks about the smoking of tobacco, which is the most widened dependency in Slovenia. Every year several thousands of Slovenians die due to smoking. Negative consequences of smoking are seen many years later. The most common diseases of smokers are lung cancer and vascular disease. Older people often face heart and vascular disease, that get even worse if the person smokes. It is never too late to stop smoking.

Key-words: smoking tobacco, dependency, cancer, heart attack, dying due to smoking, quitting

Making of the family tree as one of the possible activity in old age
Andrej Dobre

The following text presents the creation of the genealogical tree of three families. Throughout the text author tries to show the meaning of making the genealogical tree. Genealogy is not only the collection of personal data and family relations. It has also wider sociological meaning. The author points out the ways, how to interest old people for telling their life stories and helping at the making of the family tree.

Key-words: family (genealogical) tree, genealogy, family ties, family cronic, house name, family photo, family gatherings

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