Research activity
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Anton Trstenjak Institute
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The concept of the research "Late childhood, socialization and future roles" has been prepared by a strong international and interdisciplinary scientific research group for two years. Several countries are incorporated in collective application and processing.

The Institute has decided to participate at this research because it is one of the most comprehensive studies on socialization of children in Europe. Information about research and its meaning were given by the Slovenian scientist and sociologist of the youth dr. Jože Bajzek. He is the principal of the Institute of sociology on famous international university UPS in Rome (Universita pontificia salesiana, Facolta di scienze dell' educatione, Istitto di sociologia).

The sample waas international: the capital city and one of the remote communities. The sample in Slovenia includes 496 children from the capital city Ljubljana, 150 children in one of the remote communities and 150 children from the national minority in Italy.

The research was based on the facts that socialization has a strong influence on the future roles in personal and social life. This research project investigated the attitudes of the children towards themselves, their sex identity, level of the moral consciousness, relation to the parents, family, attitudes towards school, work and mass media. We also examined the state of preparedness in late childhood for the future roles, hidden possibilities for better preparation for these roles, distinction between countries in preparedness of children for their future roles.

The research was carried out with an extensive questionnaire which was prepared and tested. The inquiry was made individually and separately with each child.

The results of the study are published in the following book (the book is written in Slovenian language):

J. Bajzek, M. Bitenc, S. Hvalič, A. Lokar, J. Ramovš, Š. Strniša (2003): Zrcalo odraščanja - Mednarodna sociološka raziskava o odraščajočih otrocih. Ured. D.Ošlaj. Radovljica: Didakta.

The results are useful:

on the European level and levels of different countries for preparation of new models of education and training,

on the level of schools and families for better preparation of children for creative and satisfying future roles.


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